Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from Texas

I'm in Texas for the first Thanksgiving in four years!  I'm only here for a week but I thought it was time for a family holiday and I needed to get my hands on that grandbaby of mine. I spent two days in Austin with my mom and step-dad, two days in New Braunfels with my dad and brother and the rest of the family.  Then I drove the six hours to Odessa in East Texas to visit Jessica, Johnny and Michael.  They just moved here a month ago for work and they're getting all settled into their new home.  

Gruene Texas

We're watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and Jessica is cooking.  She's a terrific cook.  She got that from my mom as it skipped a generation.  I'm getting lots of sweet snuggles with the new man in my life.  Michael is an absolute joy and I melt when he smiles at me.  The only thing missing is Matt who was unable to join me for this quick trip home.  Adding Skype to the things I'm really grateful for this year.  

I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving and thinking about the blessings in your life.  Sending special love to those who are appreciating loved ones from afar.  It can make the holidays bittersweet.  I'm so thankful for the Thanksgiving hugs I'll get today that may have to get me through a few more holidays. 

I'm taking plenty of photos today.  In the mean time, here are some photos from our first excursion with Michael when he was just a week old.  We went for lunch and a walk in Gruene, Texas.  It's a little German town in the Texas Hill Country pronounced "green." 

Gruene Texas

Matt's pretty excited about the new baby in our life. 

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Can you believe she had just had a baby a week before?  She is such a amazing mommy.

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene is small but packs in lots of Texas character.  A favorite stop is the old general store where every surface is covered.

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

There are a few other restaurants and shops.  It's on the Guadalupe River and you'll always see tourists, tubers and plenty of Harley Davidsons. 

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

It's also home to the oldest dance hall in Texas.  I spent many a hot Texas night boot scootin' and drinking an ice cold bottle of beer in this place.  It's a Texas institution and you'll hear some of the the best country music on that stage. 

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

We had lunch at The Gristmill, an open air, sprawling restaurant right on the river known for their iced tea and chicken fried steak. 

Gruene Texas

Michael was only a week old and was of course a little angel.  I love the way he puts his little hands up to his head. 

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

All my sweet girl has ever wanted was to be a wife and mother.  Her dream has come true and he's the sweetest thing ever.

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

Gruene Texas

I'm so thankful to be in Texas this Thanksgiving.  

Where are you spending Thanksgiving this year?