Saturday, February 14, 2015

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

I can't believe it's been almost eight months since my dad and brother were here and we took our jam packed road trip.  I thinks it's time to finish up the posts from our trip. My blog schedule is getting backed up.  Luckily I use post it notes in my blogging calendar and they're easy to move forward as needed.  So, lets' talk about one of my favorite stops during the week, Balmoral Castle in Aberdeen, Scotland. 

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

I sure do miss this guy. 

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

"All seemed to breathe freedom and peace, and to make one forget the world and its sad turmoils".  Those were the words Queen Victoria scribbled in her diary when she first visited sprawling estate. 

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

So her sweet Valentine Albert purchased it for her in 1848.  It was a private purchase which means this property doesn't belong to the Crown but rather to the Royal family.  It's been a favored residence of the family since then.    

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

I don't think I would ever want to leave this Highland retreat.  Queen Elizabeth spends several months each year here amongst the deer and grouse.  We strolled the gardens and walked through the ballroom which is the only interior space open to the public. 

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Like all castles, it's straight out of a fairytale with incredible views in every direction.  Rolling lawns and majestic trees. 

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Even with people milling about it was the most relaxing and quiet place.  Incredibly peaceful.  I can see that it must be such an oasis for a family that is usually in the middle of a whirlwind of activity. 

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

As majestic as it is, it felt like a home and there was an elegant casualness to the gardens.  I would highly recommend a stop at Balmoral if you are in the area.  Oh, those views.  The colors of Scotland, purple and green.

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

Happy Valentines Day!  Okay, I didn't get a castle from my love but I did get a new Nikon camera which I'm thrilled about.  I can't wait to see what kind of photos I'll get out of her.  She will soon be featuring prominently on the blog.  Although the D90 will always be my first love. 


Where's your favorite castle?