Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Back to the Future

In my last post, I told you about my five favorite cities.
Today I'm going to tell you about one of my top three evenings in London.
It was all thanks to East Village London.

Secret Cinema's showing of Back to the Future created such a buzz in London.
All of the hype was so well-deserved!  It was the most incredible experience.

Matt wasn't able to go but my friend Erin was happy to join in the fun.
Of course, we were not going to turn down the opportunity to play dress up
complete with victory rolls and red lipstick.

Back to the Future Secret Cinema

You'll have to excuse the quality of the photos.
As this was a top secret experience, no cameras or cell phones were allowed.
Luckily, they were selling disposable cameras!  It's probably a good thing
I wasn't lugging around my DSLR as I was able to really enjoy the event.

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema

The movie Back to the Future was the perfect choice and it was exactly like traveling back in time.
Once we entered we walked through the  American suburb of Hill Valley, popping into to the various houses all fully furnished with vintage delights.

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema
We even visited with with "Doc" to talk about time travel.
All around us peaople were acting out various scenes complete with American accents.  You never knew when some one was going go running by or a fight would break out.  It was spectacular.

Back to the Future Secret Cinema

We took a right by the old Texaco gas station and arrived at the town square complete with the old Clock Tower.
The square was surrounded by shops, diners, a travel agent and a bank.  Erin was serenaded by a gentleman with a ukelele.  Everything was authentic and absolute kitschy fun.  The high school dance was in full swing in the
high school gym straight from the movie.

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema

Back to the Future Secret Cinema

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema

We spent some time just exploring and regularly gushing about the awesomeness of it all.
You can imagine my delight when I discovered the diner was serving iced tea! (with gin)
There was even an 80's bar tucked away.  Soon it was time to settle onto our checked blanket to watch the movie.
It was projected onto the clock tower.

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema

But this was certainly not the end of all of the drama and fun.  A live 50's band played, actual cars and skateboarders raced around the square!  As the scenes were playing out on the giant screen, the action was also being acted out in real time complete with pyrotechnics and stunts. And, of course, the time traveling DeLorean!

Back to the Future Secret CinemaBack to the Future Secret Cinema

From start to finish it was one of the most incredible and fun experiences I've had.
I felt like a kid again...pure delight and complete fun!
I'm so impressed with what they were able to pull off with this event.
I don't want to miss what they come up with next year.

A huge thank you to East Village London for inviting me!

When the Olympics were here two years ago, apartments were built to house all of the athletes. Those apartments are now available for lease and a whole community has built up around them.

Before walking over to the venue, we had cocktails and munchies in one of the apartments.
It was modern and spacious. The setting is special, too.  Not what you usually get in London, a neighborhood with plenty of room and green space

I'm truly impressed with how the area developed for the Olympics is now becoming one of London's nicest communities.

Back to the Future Secret Cinema
via East Village London

Back to the Future Secret Cinema
via East Village London

Back to the Future Secret Cinema
via East Village London

Back to the Future Secret Cinema
via East Village London

Back to the Future Secret Cinema
via East Village London

Here's a video they've put together to introduce you to London's newest neighborhoods.

Have you revisited the East Village London and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park since 2012?


I was a guest of East Village London for the Secret Cinema event.
All photos (except where noted), writing and opinions are my own.   
As always, I promise to be open, honest and transparent with my readers. 
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.