Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Weekend in Majorca

It’s a well-known misconception that it rains constantly in London.
It does rain, usually a light, misty drizzle.   But, not nearly as much as popular culture would have you believe.

Admittedly, the nice weather was late in coming this year.  But once spring strolled in,
then summer arrived and slid nicely into autumn, we have had some pretty terrific weather.
Sunny, blue skies with mild temperatures, perfect for getting out and enjoying the outdoors. 

But winter is certainly on her way.  In our pre-emptive efforts to stock pile the Vitamin D,
we took the opportunity of a bank holiday weekend to fly somewhere even warmer,
the beautiful Mediterranean island of Majorca.  

Majorca City Break

Cocktails are always better with an umbrella, don’t you think?
This photo was a complete accident, but I just love it!

Majorca City Break

I should be showing you dozens of photos of this lovely island, but I can’t.
In fact this one of the moped is the only one I'll show you.  

Majorca City Break

We pretty much just parked our backsides at the hotel pool and didn’t venture much further.  It was just what we needed.  

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Matthew did leave the pool long enough to swim in the Med for a bit. 

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

For our weekend getaways, we usually fly out after work on Friday night so arrive after dark.  One of my favorite things is hopping out of bed on Saturday morning and drawing back the curtains on our new destination.   Majorca didn’t disappoint.
I was presented with the most glorious sunrise.  Breathtaking.   

Majorca City Break

Majorca City Break

We found a great rate on an EasyJet flight & hotel combo.
I’ll tell you a little more about the hotel in my next post. 

Where do you go for Vitamin D?