Monday, January 13, 2014

Oh, the places we will go in 2014!

Oh, the places we will go!

As one year comes to a close and we are faced with the promise of a blank calendar,
one of our favorite things to do together is to plan our travels for the upcoming year.
It's so exciting.  There are just so many places to go and I've become addicted.
I want to see all of them!

We've pinned down our two big trips this year.
My brother and dad are visiting this summer and we're going to spend a week exploring Scotland.

And in the fall we are going to do another Explore! tour to the Balkans for two weeks.
We will explore Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina.

Matt is heading to Minsk with the guys this month,
but our first trip of the year together is Iceland in February.
I've had so much fun planning this trip and I can't wait.
We have our fingers crossed that we'll experience the Northern Lights.
You can follow along on Twitter and Instagram using #JonesInIceland.

In March, we are planning a trip to Dunkirk, France.
Matt's grandfather was captured at Dunkirk during WWII and spent five years as a prisoner or war.
We are going to take the car over on a ferry to explore some historical sights
as well as everything else that Dunkirk has to offer.

After an English winter, there is always the desire to find a warm beach as soon as possible.
We are planning a long weekend on a beach (probably Egypt) for the spring.

And a Girl's Trip to Provence is on the calendar this summer.

  I'm making great progress on my 50 by 50 goal.
What we have planned so far takes me up to 40 countries in 2014. 

All that is left is to fill in with weekend trips whenever possible.
On our wishlist for 2014 are Guernsey, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Norway.
 I'm also planning to get back to the US sometime this year.

So many places, so little time!

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights;
it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” 

– Miriam Beard

Do you have any suggestions and tips to share about our 2014 destinations?

Where are you going in 2014?