Friday, January 24, 2014

Fès, Morocco

Fès was everything that I dreamed Marrakesh would be.

I'll tell you more about what I mean in a future post,
but Fès was the next stop on our tour of Morocco.

Fès was where I started to relax and really look around me.
It's where I took the most photographs.
I didn't know it yet, but Fès turned out to be my favorite city in Morocco.

We were there for two nights and had some time to really explore the city.
And what a city!  Once the capital, it's the cultural, educational and religious capital of the country.
The third largest city in Morocco is also home to the oldest university in the world.
Here are some photos to give you an overview of the city with more to come next week.

Fes, Morocco

We toured Morocco by train and this was one of the most impressive stations.

Fes, Morocco

We stopped outside of the Royal Palace.  There was some confusion as to if we could take photos or not.
One of our group approached the guards a little too eagerly with a camera and was reprimanded.

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

We went up to the Borj Nord for the most spectacular views of this massive city
that is home to a million people.  It was once two cities that merged.
It is also home to one of the most well-preserved old cities in the modern world.

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

We had dinner one night complete with traditional entertainment.
We sat on pillowed couches as tray after tray of wonderful food was brought out.
The best part was making our way back to the hotel on foot through the maze of alleys,
our bellies and senses full of Morocco. 

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

The Bab Bou Jeloud (Blue Gate) is one of the four gates of the walled old city.
One side is blue and the other is green.

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

The Bou Inania Madrasa is one of the few religious places in Morocco that are open to 
non-Islamic visitors.  It's both a religious institute and a local mosque and is the only madrasa (school) in Fès with a Minaret.

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

Fes, Morocco

I can't wait to show you more photos next week. 
It was so hard to narrow them down.  Fès is a city that needs several posts.
Writing that first post about Morocco, while difficult, was really helpful. 
As always, your comments helped, too.
It's nice to know that you understand what I'm feeling.

I think it will get easier as I go along.  I have so many more posts about Morocco planned.
It seems I have more to say than I thought. And I just have to show you the photographs!

What do you think of Fès?