Friday, August 9, 2013

Stoke on Trent

One of the very first things I wanted to do when we moved to the UK,
was to visit "The Potteries" and Stoke on Trent.
I'm not one for Shopping Bag Tourism, but I do love me some pottery.
And Stoke on Trent is the World Capital of Ceramics.

After 18 months, I finally got Matt to reluctantly agree to take me there.
I had to play a fine game of balance for this little weekend journey with my spouse.
Not too much shopping and enough other stuff thrown in to keep him happy.

A bit of history, some shopping, a carvery (buffet with roast), a movie involving aliens and pubs, and some monkeys.
I think we did pretty good.

The Potteries and Stoke on Trent

We'll start with the pottery and the shopping.
We were only there for a short time and most of the factories only offer tours
during the week so this was just a small part of our trip.
(I need to plan another trip with some girlfriends next time.)

We stopped in at just three factory stores.
Matt sat in the car for one of them.  He was just having none of it.
I on the other hand was giddy.

Emma Bridgewater Factory

Emma Bridgewater is one of my favorites, so we spent a bit of time exploring her
factory shop.  We had some tea and cake next to her polka dotted Aga.
I was hoping to pick up some royal baby commemorative pieces, 
but they weren't ready yet.  

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

Emma Bridgewater Factory Store

 Stoke on Trent and the surrounding area is still very much industrial and everything is pretty spread out.    It's not really someplace that you can visit by train, stay in the city center and explore everything on foot, like say York.  You really need a car or to book a special bus tour to see everything.  We stayed at a hotel right off of the carriageway/highway.

In spite of my husband being allergic to shopping, I did manage to get some great deals.
I spent £50 and got all of this.  Most of it from the Churchill Outlet Store.

Wedgewood Teacup

This is a beautiful little Wedgewood teacup.  I love the teal and the silver.  It's so delicate. 

Emma Bridgewater Mugs

 Living in the UK you can never have enough mugs.  Squirrel!

Sugar Bowl

 I absolutely adore this little sugar bowl.  Every time I look at it I smile. 

Dog Bowls

Yep.  Those are dog bowls.  Just in case, you know.  (Happy face!)

Cath Kidston Mug

 A nice oversized Cath Kidston mug.

Cake plates and Mugs

And finally these four little plates and mugs.
Squirrels and owls and bunnies!  And do you see the little hedgehog?  So stinkin' cute!
Now I need to have a few friends over for tea and cake.

I'm tickled to death with my purchases and so happy that we got to visit Stoke on Trent.

Next time I'll tell you a little more about the history of the area.

How do you feel about shopping bag tourism? Yea or Not so much.  

By the way, this week I'm so lucky to be guest posting on not one, but two wonderful blogs. 

Casey at True Colours is an amazing travel blogger.
She lives in Oregon but is rarely at home.  She is so down to earth and smart.

Amanda from Living in Another Language has such an adventurous spirit.
She is living in South Korea and has a pet bunny!
You're gonna love her. 

 You definitely want to add them both to your Bloglovin roster.
Please check them out and leave some blog love in their comment sections.