Friday, August 23, 2013

Best Guest Post Ever!

For my final guest post this week I have a very special treat for you today!

After months of prodding, The Englishman has finally written a guest post for me.
It's pretty laughable that in my house I'm the one who claims to be a travel blogger.
My husband Matthew is the traveler (and writer) in the family.
 I'll let him tell you a little more about it.  (I might have snuck in a few captions.)
He's is always happiest when we're traveling.
People say I’ve been lucky to travel so much – 104 “countries”* and counting. They’re wrong - luck’s not a factor.  I’ve chosen to spend lots of money on getting out and seeing the world.  And I don’t regret a penny of it!

*A country as defined by the Travellers Century Club.  Which takes a very liberal view on what is a country.  By most traditional definitions I’ve been to around 90 countries.  I’ve also been to all 50 US States, but that’s another post entirely.

I love hearing stories from his travels.  Yes, that volcano is erupting.
My parents ignited my wanderlust with the annual summer pilgrimage to the sun from Gatwick.  This was back when the departure lounge overlooked the runway and you passed the time watching the planes come and go.  I loved seeing these improbably large hunks of metal gracefully rising into the sky, wondering where they were going, and what the passengers would experience when they got there.

He now needs to take me to all of these places.
My country tally accelerated sharply when I joined the workforce, as I was drawn to jobs involving travel.  In my 20’s I experienced the exotic through work (such as Ghana, Barbados, Venezuela) as well as the less exotic (Belgium, Luxembourg and Jersey).  As my income grew, my holidays got more adventurous and  I picked up some rarities (such as Macao, the Gambia and the Maldives), but also some more conventional destinations (Canada, Turkey and Ireland).

Yea.  Who's this guy?  Doesn't even look like the Matthew I know.
Into my 30’s, I realised a great way to travel was to live in different parts of the world.  So I spent the decade living in Australia, Singapore and the USA, which allowed me to travel to some really beautiful places (such as Vanuatu, Laos and Nicaragua).  And to some fascinating but challenging countries (such as Bangladesh, Syria and Colombia).

This is from our first cruise together.
In my 40’s my world changed.  For the better.  (Hello, darling!)  I married Selena on my 40th birthday since then it’s been a delight to share my life with someone who shares my love for travel.  So far we’ve explored new ground together (Portugal, Greece and Morocco), but we’ve also revisited some old friends, which has allowed me to see them anew through Selena’s eyes (Spain, Germany and Holland).  I can’t wait to see what’s next (Poland?  Bosnia?  Uzbekistan?)

This hat was pre-marriage and is not Wife Approved.  But look where he is!
The world is a big place, with so much to see and do that I think it’s a tragedy to live your entire life in one small corner.  So get out there and travel, people!

Again with the unapproved headwear.
A baseball cap.  Now this we can work with!
If you like my story, let me know and maybe I’ll come back and write some more!


Jeez.  He's such a name dropper.  India, Croatia, Singapore.
Isn't he wonderful?  I think so.  I'm convinced that he needs to have his own Travel blog.
He reads every single comment that I get on this blog so
please show some blogger love and leave him a comment.


  1. Oh God! This was so much fun! You should let him do this regularly :D And Poland IS the place to be ;) trust me!

  2. Love this! Would love to see some more posts from Matt. I am so jealous of all his travels. I'm hoping to do the same, just got to get out of college first...


  3. Thank you for guest posting Matt! I live vicariously through you and Selena.

  4. Loved this! So fantastic and such a great point of view on life!

  5. Amazing!! I hope one day I can come close to seeing that many countries! I agree, he should have a travel blog! I would love to hear some of his stories!

  6. With all that traveling he should write a travel blog. I would ready it. Love the photos

  7. What a fantastic guest post! Loved both the writing and your introduction Selena! :)

  8. Loved this post!! And YES!!!! You should have your own blog!!

  9. You are right - best guest post ever! You both write so well! Matt definitely needs to return for a round two sometime! (Hey Matt! We've lived in three of the same countries - UK, USA, and Singapore! Australia is next on my list!)

  10. Yes... He is extremely wonderful!
    I especially like the part where he said things got better when he married Selena :)
    She is pretty awesome.
    Oh and That look Matt... With the thing on your head... It's so you! You should try that more... maybe for jeans day at work?
    Great post, Loved it!

  11. Wonderful to finally "meet" you dear sweet hubby here in the blog! I'd love to hear more from him- he's is defintiely well traveled! Just think of all the place you'll see before you're 80!

  12. I am new to your blog and am really enjoying it! Loved this post, especially the part about being "lucky." My husband and I have always been "lucky" ... taking leaves from our jobs (without pay) to travel and stay on the road sometimes for months at a time. And when colleagues comment that I'm lucky to be able to do that ... I smile and say, "Yes, I am. We live in a small house; drive 5 year old cars (well, his is a truck and is 9 years old) and have had to make choices to be able to do what we want. And if you were to give up some 'stuff' ...maybe you too could be lucky!"

  13. All 50 states is impressive!
    It was so great to read a post through your other half! I might just have to see if I can get mine to do one :)

  14. Loved reading this! I am always curious about all of Matt's travels. He definitely should have a blog full of his adventures. Wonderful pics! All of the places I want to go visit!

  15. What an awesome guest post! I love finally getting to 'meet' The Englishman!! Selena, I loved your comments on the pics too! You two should do a post from your cruise as a 'tag team'! I would so love to come for a visit...perhaps someday. Reading Selena's blog makes me miss my has been too long!
    Gay @ CaptiveHeart

  16. Yay for Matt!!! Love that wiley, traveling Englishman!

  17. Matt everyone has a story, you have been to 104 countries! Thats got to account for more words than the Harry Potter and 5 shades of grey books combined! You have the background to inspire people to witness how truly amazing our world really is. We would love to here more from you mate

  18. Thanks Anda - step one was write a post, step 2 was work out how to comment on it! A colleague of mine is Polish and keeps nagging me. Krakow is the place to start?

  19. Thanks Jessie - I was lucky to enjoy working in a field that is internationally transferrable (accountancy!!! woohoo!) I'd only been to a handful of places by the time I left college too so don't worry - your chance will come!

  20. Thanks Stephanie

  21. Thanks Casey. I quite like those hats...

  22. Working on some more posts Jenn - stay tuned!

  23. By popular request I will write some more posts for Selena - thanks for the support!

  24. Thanks for reading! And commenting!

  25. Watch this space for more posts. Not this exact space, obviously. But you know what I mean...

  26. I was going to ask you which country you liked living in best, but I hate being asked that question myself as you can't really answer it... They're all amazing places to live. Australia is a great place - you'll have a blast there.

  27. Thanks Tammy! I thought I looked quite good in those hats, even if Selena disagrees!

  28. Hi Bronwyn. Thanks for commenting. More contributions coming soon

  29. My answer would drag on for far too long since the only way I could properly answer would be by telling the asker everything I liked about all three countries and never really answering the question at all. :o)

  30. Spot on Sue. It's a choice anyone can make if they're prepared to make a few sacrifices. Where's next for you?

  31. Thanks for commenting Sara. I'll probably post about the 50 states one day...

  32. Thanks GIna! See you soon.

  33. :)))) but I see you are doing it well ;) Krakow and Warsaw and Poznan should definitely be on your TO GO List ;)

  34. Thanks Gay. Great idea! We're working on a joint cruise post. Come say hi anytime your in town.

  35. btw I just wrote a post again on Warsaw ;)

  36. Hi Sarah - how you doing?

  37. Thanks mate. There'd certainly be a hefty word count!

  38. I'd read that Warsaw wasn't the most beautiful of cities, although my experience is that every capital city is worth visiting.

  39. it is worth visiting. although it was rebuild after Second World War you still have this feeling of very old city as they made sure to keep the architecture. If you go there I recommend seeing the stadium in the evening when it is lid up (the one they build for Euro 2012) and also the old city center. And do not miss the Warsaw Uprising Museum. It is so very well done! First time there we spend around 2-3 hours and we were in a hurry even! Also you need to see the cathedral where Chopin's heart resides. Even though his body is in Paris his heart is in Warsaw :) Home! Where he truly belongs :)

  40. also you would need to visit Krakow :) and if I am there at that time I can be your personal guide :P I tried to learn as best as I could as much as I could so I could show my friends around ;) You need to go to the Salt Mine: Wielicka - which is part of UNESCO sites to be taken care of now. And to Auschwitz 1 and Auschwitz 2 (also known as Birkenau) and in Krakow you need to see The Schindlers Museum and also a lot of other places ;) I can make a list :P


Thanks for commenting. I love to hear from you!