We love to cruise.
In fact, our next cruise is only eight weeks away and I'm getting so excited.
Recently, someone told me that cruising doesn't count as travel.
Uhm. Excuse me? What did you just say? Doesn't count as travel?
Pfft. Whatever, dude.
Cruising is one of the best ways to travel!
It's like the Taster's Menu of travel. You get to visit five countries in one week.
Sure, it's a short stay but you get to experience someplace completely new.
And if you fall in love, you add it to the list of places to revisit for a longer stay.
Aruba is the perfect example.
We spent a wonderful day in Aruba in 2011 while on a Caribbean Cruise.
Aruba is an island about 20 miles long and 6 miles wide in the Dutch Antilles.
With a year round temperature of 82 degrees, it's the ideal place to getaway.
Not to mention that it’s located just below the hurricane belt so is usually dry.
We spent a few hours with a small group touring the interior of the island.
We stopped at the California Lighthouse, rock formations,
and one of the oldest churches on the island.
Then we spent a few hours relaxing on one of Aruba’s beautiful white beaches, Eagle Beach.
On an island of beaches, Eagle Beach is one of the best,
voted the top beach in the Caribbean in a USA Today survey
of frequent travellers and travel writers.
With a wide, expanse of soft white sand and gentle turquoise water it was the ideal spot.
We spent most of our time watching a huge pelican dive for fish
right in the middle of all of the swimmers.
I love watching them dive bomb, they’re so agile and precise.
It's definitely on the list of places we'd love to revisit for a longer stay.
How would you spend your time in Aruba?
Visit Aruba travel to check out all of the options.