Saturday, April 27, 2013

Expat to Expat Q&A - Season Edition

Found Love.  Now What?

Today, I'm linking up with two other American Expat Blogs,  Found Love, Now What?   and The Hemborg Wife.  

They've started a new monthly link-up called Expat to Expat Q & A that I'm really excited about.  I hope you will take a look and join in.  This is a great way to get to know some other expats scattered all over the globe.  And to learn about some of the cultural differences that we all experience living away from our home countries.  

This month the questions are about Seasons.  

What was your favorite season back home and is it the same now; why or why not?  

In Texas, there is really only one season and that’s obviously Summer.  It’s either hot, hotter or surface-of-the-sun hot.  In London, my favourite has to be Spring.  (Holy cat, I just spelled favorite with a U.  What is happening to me?)  London and Springtime are perfect together.  The weather is mild.  The sky is blue.  Everyone is outside.  The days are getting long.  The Cherry Blossoms are blooming.  It’s just magic. 

Is there a place you would want to move to based solely on the weather?

I think Australia would have to be pretty high up on that list.  I haven’t been yet, but Matthew lived there for about six years and even has dual citizenship.  He raves about it and would love to get back there someday.  I do love hot weather as long as there is a body of water close by.  The lifestyle that I've read about in Australia is very appealing; beaches and barbecues.  

What is an article of clothing that you had to buy for your new home due to the weather?

I must have worn low-heeled boots and a scarf every single day for 5 months.  And coats and jackets in a variety of weights were definitely needed for layering.  I’ve now hidden the boots in the back of the closet and hope to actually have the opportunity to wear a pair of flip-flops very soon.  

Have you found the weather stereotypes of your new home to be true?

Of course, I’ve heard all the fuss about England and rain.  But, we’ve had some really beautiful days in the past 18 months.  The rain isn't that big of a deal.  It never really pours.  Most of the time, it’s just an annoying mist.  As long as you are dressed for it, it’s not (always) horrible.  What I was not prepared for was the darkness.  When we had less than 6 hours of daylight, I almost went nuts.  Add a low cloud cover into the mix, it can get very claustrophobic.  It really affected me much more than I had anticipated.  

Is there somewhere you would never live based solely on the weather?

I probably would never live anywhere further north so as to avoid the dark days.  And I don’t love snow on any long-term basis.  A flurry is nice and white snow is pretty, but I know from residing in Indiana for many years, that it’s not much fun to live with.  

What are you looking forward to most this spring?

Daylight! Sunshine!  And being out in it as much as possible is the plan.  We have a long list of things to do this Spring.  Our weekend strolls around London are always fun.  And I’m also looking forward to taking pictures with blue sky backgrounds instead of the low light of Winter. 

Where you live, what is your go-to outfit for spring? 

Ballet flats or Converse sneakers are the norm.  I haven’t worn heels in ages and even flip-flops are tricky in London.  I’ve come to like the scarves so I have some nice warm weather options.  I always carry a light jacket with a hood for the occasional rain shower. The hood works much better than a bulky umbrella, especially on a crowded London street.  Those things are dangerous.  And my camera case is usually slung across my body with a small purse.  

What is one thing or event that you miss that happens back home at this time of the year? 

I might need a moment here to gather myself.  I am missing Fiesta San Antonio!  Sob!!!  Fiesta is a huge, massive, wonderful party that dates back to 1891.  Local charities fund amazing events and concerts all over town over a period of 11 days.  There is even a parade along the Riverwalk which is amazing.  So much food!  And Music!  And Fun!  And Cascarones!!

I’m all Verklempt.  Talk amongst yourselves.  

If your hubs could bring home a bouquet of any type of flower, what would you pick?

A big, fat bouquet of yellow roses (of Texas) and some Texas Bluebonnets would be perfect right now. 

What does your perfect Saturday look like?

Matt and I waking up whenever we wanted to.  And then a stroll over to the pub for lunch.  Oh and we would have a dog with us!  (I’ve been begging Matt for months).  Lunch would be followed by a walk along the South Bank all the way to Westminster Bridge.  Then we would have dinner with friends some place fun.  And if it was a completely perfect day, my daughter Jessica would be with us.  

Bonus:  Are there any special holidays in your new country in the month of May?

We get two bank holidays in May which is a treat.  I see a weekend on a Portugal beach in our future.  I’ll be whipping out the flip-flops!  Finally.

I hope you join in on the Link-Up!

How are you enjoying Spring where you live?